TaskingAI July 2024 Release Notes

July 31, 2024
James Yao

Welcome to the July 2024 update for TaskingAI! We're excited to introduce several new features and improvements across our model and assistant modules, as well as some notable changes to our user interface. Let's dive in!

Model Module

Fallbacks (Paid Feature)

We are thrilled to announce the support for fallback models. These models are designed to provide a response when the primary model fails to generate one. This feature ensures that your users always receive a response, even in challenging scenarios. Fallback models are available exclusively for our paid users, enhancing the reliability and robustness of our service.


Our new proxy feature allows for more flexible routing of requests to the service provider. By using a proxy URL, users can route their requests efficiently, and custom headers can be added to pass additional information to the service provider. This feature enhances the control and customization options available to our users, making integrations smoother and more tailored to specific needs.

Rerank Model

The rerank model is another exciting addition. It reorders a list of documents to improve their relevance to a user query. This feature is particularly useful for users who need to sift through large amounts of information and want to ensure that the most relevant documents are prioritized.

Assistant Module

Vision Model Support

Our assistant module now supports vision models, allowing users to interact with models using images directly within the playground. Users can either upload images or provide image URLs. This functionality is now available across several model series, including Claude3, Claude3.5, GPT4o-mini, and Gemini1.5 pro. This enhancement opens up new possibilities for users to engage with visual content and obtain insights from images.


We've introduced a new logging feature for the assistant module. Every interaction between the user and the assistant is now recorded in detailed logs. This provides users with a comprehensive history of their conversations, making it easier to track progress, revisit previous discussions, and maintain a clear record of interactions.

User Interface Enhancements

We've made significant changes to our user interface to ensure a more unified and user-friendly experience across all modules. The updates include:

  • Dark Mode: We have introduced a dark mode option for users who prefer a darker interface.
  • Consistency: All modules now have a consistent look and feel, making navigation and usage more intuitive.
  • Ease of Use: We have streamlined various workflows to reduce complexity and improve overall usability.

Get Started:

Visit our GitHub repository to explore the codebase, report issues, and contribute to the project.

These updates reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and our dedication to providing a top-notch user experience. We believe these new features and enhancements will significantly benefit our users and look forward to your feedback.

Thank you for being a part of the TaskingAI community. Stay tuned for more updates and innovations!

TaskingAI Team

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